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The power of video has the ability to transcend all other marketing tactics that you've seen and heard about. 

Video has the ability to magnetise your ideal clients in a way that builds genuine connection and trust FAST.

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The power of video has the ability to transcend all other marketing tactics that you've seen and heard about. 

Video has the ability to magnetise your ideal clients in a way that builds genuine connection and trust FAST.

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If you're ready to start leveraging your time spent marketing your business...


CONVERT ON CAMERA is an easy, approachable online course 
that can have you showing up confidently and purposefully in live videos FAST. 

Inside, you'll learn how to: 
Improve your speaking skills and energy on camera so you can ATTRACT your dream clients 
✨ Articulate your message so you can craft content in a way that truly CONNECTS with your audience
Develop a strategy to CONVERT your dream clients so you can help them in the way that only you can

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"I've done this course and it's been such a valuable experience."

"Kelly has helped me get my message out succinctly, stop rambling on and with a hook that gets the viewers' attention. 

The support and accountability, along with daily video prompts make it easy to stay on track. 

The group has been a safe and friendly place for me. 

I love it when people tell me that they love my videos (they never did before this course)... I always say that I was taught by the best.

Highly recommend this - don't sit on the fence, 
just do it."

- Amanda Radovic, Photographer
Claim Your Squirrel Art Below...

Which of the following describes you?

Going LIVE on Social Media feels like an impossible task... 
Do you struggle with technology and feel like video is just way too hard?

Are you frustrated by doing take after take of your videos and wasting so much time not getting your message across? 
Or worse, not even posting your video because it's so 'awful'!

Do find yourself thinking "I've got nothing important to share... who would want to listen to what I have to say anyway?"

Do you assume creating video content it's something that works well for everyone else but won't work for you and your business? 

Do you hate the way you look or sound on camera and feel like if you were to show up in video format that it would put people off buying your stuff?

Are you hiding behind static social media posts because you feel like people will judge you if you show up on video?

Do you struggle thinking of content ideas to share with your audience?

Do you want a proven strategy to attract and connect with your ideal clients that doesn't take up ALL your time?

Are you getting client referrals but not really sure where your next client will come from? 

What would it mean for you and your business to be able to show up for you audience with confidence and clarity in your message?

Imagine what it will feel like when you are...

✨ Able to jump on a LIVE video with minimal preparation and speak in a way that connects with your audience, encourages engagement and ultimately leads to a new client

✨ Creating video content that gives value to your audience and hearing about the impact you are making for them

✨ Building trust with your audience so fast that it takes less time to nurture them from a lead to a sale

✨ Selling MORE of your products or services in a way that is enjoyable for you and your dream clients

If you like the sound of the above...


 I'm Kelly, and I've designed this program for people exactly like you. I know you're thinking that it's not possible that you could be anything other than shy, awkward or completely overwhelmed to put your face on camera and speak authentically... but I've got proof that this works. 

"I consider Kelly's course to be one of the best things I have ever done!" Mel Young

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Everyone who has been through my programs felt exactly like you do now before they worked with me.

 Then, they finished the program feeling;

🙌 Confident on camera 
🙌 Like they have clarity in their message
🙌 Like they know how to attract their dream clients
🙌 Like they are connecting more with their audience
🙌 Like it's 1000 times easier to convert clients that have watched their videos
🙌 Like they have the confidence to position themselves as the expert they are

It's my goal to teach you how to show up for your audience consistently on video, so you can give them value and convert clients without it taking hours upon hours of YOUR precious time!

Get Ready To....

Because The Stats Are In; Incorporating Video Into Your Marketing Strategy Will Increase Your Ability to Attract New Leads, Connect With Them and Ultimately Convert Them Into Paying Clients

If you're still not convinced... 
Here's why you can't afford to ignore getting in front of the camera any longer...

When the women I work with begin to embrace being in front of the camera, sharing their message on video... their business starts to take off!



Many women who start their own business have a SPECIFIC skill set.

You're likely really good at what you do, right?

Whether it's helping people solve a problem, helping clients get EPIC results or making them feel amazing with your specific service...

You've studied for years in your industry... and have learnt everything you need to be really good at what YOU do! 

But, it's unlikely you've ever been trained in sales and marketing... or learnt how to attract, connect and convert your dream clients using video!

Improve your speaking skills and energy on camera so you can ATTRACT your dream clients toward you

Learn how to articulate your message so you can craft content in a way that truly CONNECTS with your audience

Develop a strategy to CONVERT your dream clients so you can help them in the way that only you can

  • Learn how to capture the attention of your dream clients in a way that is attractive to them via video (both LIVE and recorded)
  • Attract dream clients that are already know they need you in their life
  • Discover the 5 types of video content you NEED in your business so that you can connect with and engage your audience
  • Share your story in a way that showcases your expertise in your industry and highlights why your prospects should work with YOU!
  • Unlock the power of the Positive Persuasion Method so you can convert your prospects into clients in a way that feels natural and authentic
  • ​Identify the best conversion strategy for your dream clients so that you can communicate in a way that truly lights them up
  • Develop a conversion strategy that plays across every element of your video plan

What Will You Learn In Each Module?

Module One

Video Foundations

  • Foundational concepts to identify your audience's wants and needs so you can attract them into your sphere
  • Mindset Hacks so you can feel confident in your ability to connect with your audience on camera and trust yourself to handle what comes your way
  • Developing your on camera PRESENCE so your energy on video is attractive and engaging 

Module Two

Developing Your Long Term Video Strategy

  • Understand where and when to post your video content so that you can make the most out of your time
  • Aligning your video strategy with your business outcomes so that you can implement your strategy without burnout 
  • Craft your ultimate ATTRACT, CONNECT, CONVERT system so that you can bring new leads into your business with ease

Module Three

Creating Video Content

  • Learn how to structure your content in a way that demands attention, gives value and builds relationships
  • Basic Tech Tips to help you eliminate overwhelm and start creating videos immediately (includes what software and hardware to use)
  • Time Saving Video Creation Strategies for busy business owners. Creating Micro, Short form & Long form video content FAST

Module Four

Attracting Your Dream Clients

  • Understanding the client attraction pathway so that you can incorporate video into each element to fast track the process
  • How to craft your dream clients hero's journey so that you know what to speak about in your videos to attract the right audience
  • The Energy of Attraction and how you can embrace abundance strategies so you can give value throughout your content

Module Five

Connection Secrets

  • Unlock the code of human behaviour so that you can connect with your audience on a deeper level
  • Discovering the hidden desires or your potential clients so you can bring this into the content
  • Engagement strategies to make sure your audience feel empowered to join the conversation (especially when LIVE)

Module Six

The Conversion Method

  • Uncover Positive Persuasion methods so that you can help your clients make decisions quickly
  • Learn how to develop your pitch on video so that you can leverage your time when it comes to converting prospects into clients 
  • Dive into advanced language patterns that you can weave into your video content

Independent Study

Lifetime access to the Convert on Camera Portal
  • 6 x CONVERT On Camera Training Modules (Valued at $497)
  •  BONUS - Ninety Days Of Video Prompts (Valued at $97)
  • BONUS - Half Day LIVE Camera Confidence Workshop (Valued at $197)
  • + the recording (incase you can't make it live)
  • BONUS TRAINING - LIVE Workshop ~ Create Your EPIC Sales Page Video (Valued at $497)
  • + the recording (incase you can't make it live)

Your 90 Day Worry-Free Guarantee


If you are not completely BLOWN AWAY by the training provided in Convert On Camera, simply send an email to for a FULL REFUND and my support team will issue your refund - no questions asked.

Who is this program really for?

The Savvy Service Provider

Adding video into each phase of your conversion strategy will fast track the process of prospect to lead to client. Video marketing is the perfect way to showcase your service to your target market and to position yourself as a leader in your industry.

The Passionate Product Creator

There is so much scope to incorporate video into your marketing if you're a product creator. What it often missing from product creator's video strategies is THE CREATOR. If it's time for you to step into the spotlight and share your story - this is for you! (Remember, people buy from people...)

The Wellness Practioner

If you're a women in the wellness space (think Naturopath, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist) you know you've got so much knowledge to share. Video is a fantastic tool to share your expertise and attract those dream clients in a way that is genuine and effective.

The Consultant or Coach

Video is a MUST in the coaching and consulting space right now because the market is extremely competitive. Adopting a video strategy will help you build trust with your audience and ensure they choose YOU over another consultant or coach.

The Sustainability Warrior

If you're on a mission to change the world and inspire others to take action on the BIG ISSUES around the world right now, video is an extremely powerful way to do it!

If you feel like you don't quite have the confidence yet to put yourself out there on camera OR if you're already doing video but it's not working for you... then this program is for you. 

Your dream clients are ready and waiting to see YOUR face and hear YOUR message! 

You don't have to continue walking this journey alone. I've been where you are now, and I know without a doubt that I can show you the path to deep inner certainty within yourself... so that moving forward, you know you can handle whatever comes your way! 

"My advice is it will grow you and your business a lot!"

I consider Kelly's course to be one of the best things I have ever done!

It introduced me to a fabulous group of women and led the way to a few Facebook business groups which I love. I did the course because I had been asked to give a speech about my business to a local community group and I was terrified by the thought.

"I was super shy about marketing or being on camera or being in front of a group."

My biggest fear of promoting Flowerdale Valley with myself on video was that everyone would think I totally loved myself...I don't know why but this was a massive fear for me.

Anyway I did Kelly's course and I did a video everyday for the group. Even on the day when I hadn't brushed my hair and I looked like someone out of 80s rock band, Whitesnake...

"And gradually the fear disappeared."

The prompts were great, Kelly's feedback was great, the coaching sessions were terrific and insightful. 
I also found the price very reasonable and my personal growth has been amazing!

If you're considering this course because you think you're holding yourself back by staying inconspicuous - my advice is it will grow you and your business a lot!

- Melanie Young, Flowerdale Valley

Why Choose Convert on Camera?

I know you want RESULTS. I know video marketing works. 

I've seen it within my own business... and also in the businesses of the women I have worked with previously through 
programs just like this one.

 CONVERT On Camera!  provides the opportunity to access email support and more importantly ACCOUNTABILITY to ensure your success!

It's possible to connect with your community & attract new leads to your business quickly by leveraging the power of video marketing, 
and I can't wait to show you how!


  • ​You are ready to show up for your yourself, your business and your community 
  • ​You are ready to start growing your business into what you know it can become
  • ​Are willing to do what it takes to make it happen for yourself
  • ​Believe that commitment, focus and hard work are the key to business success


❌ You have no intention of showing up for you audience in video format

❌ You prefer 1:1 coaching or want to interact with others in a group setting (this is purely a self paced program)

❌ You have a habit of buying courses but never using them

❌ Are looking for a 'get rich quick' system

Hear about CATHARINE's powerful story of opportunity and 
personal growth...

Catharine knew that posting videos to social media was a real key to having her clients get to know, like and trust her - but she wasn't doing it consistently... and she even felt guilty about not showing up for her audience!

For a Social Media Marketer who runs a content business and who teaches her 1:1 clients to show up on video every day, but she couldn't seem to bring herself to commit to it. 

Catharine attended one of Kelly's workshops, and has transformed her business with new opportunities she never could have imagined!

Since she implemented Kelly's strategies, Catharine is now confidently and consistently showing up for her audience on video, and getting CRAZY sales conversions!

Most people who want to make a massive change don't because they allow fear to hold them back... 
but that's not YOU!

If you want to be able to show up with confidence, increase sales, and scale your business by leveraging the power of video...

Then CONVERT On Camera is for you!

Sign up for CONVERT On Camera today so you can fully step into your potential & share your gifts with the world.

A message from the FOUNDER

I'm a business and public speaking coach as well as a  high level voice over artist. I help women in business tap into their inner confidence. It's my passion and mission to empower you with strategies to leverage the power of your voice, so you can thrive in business without the burnout!

I want you to have access to my knowledge (which I've spent over 10 years cultivating) so that you don't have to spend your precious time doing it the hard way.

 Not only that, I want you to be able to leverage the expertise that comes with 3 years of University training, 8 years (and $25,000) of extensive coach training and over $50,000 of courses and programs in online marketing. 

My unique learning path, experience and skill set will help you not only craft your message, but guide you to share it in a way that inspires others to take action!

My Letter to You:

There is something incredibly beautiful and powerful about a female entrepreneur. 

By definition she is a woman of strength and courage. 

Yet, sometimes there is an inner battle that inhibits her from fully stepping into her potential. 

When we put our energy into the world without reservation, we are able to have a greater positive impact on our communities. 

The women I work with have transformed their lives through this program - it's truly an honour to be doing such fulfilling work. 

Believe it or not... 

As a young girl, I was timid and constantly feared saying the "wrong thing."

And although I knew it was something I needed to overcome, I had no idea how. I'd always been intrigued by character- all the qualities that make someone perfectly and utterly unique. 

So this shy girl, determined to overcome this mental block, studied acting! It was a scary leap, but it was through my experience on stage that I realised that confidence is a skill that you can learn. 

It took a commitment to do the work- Scared! 

But it's the kind of work that's not only fulfilling but good for the soul. I NEVER felt more alive than when facing my fears. 

See- one of the greatest pains in life is that of an untold story. It's your story that enables you to share with authenticity and ensures you're able to build a solid foundation of trust with your audience. 

EVERYTHING you need to succeed ALREADY lies within you!

Working in the business space, I see it all the time - there are so many people who are afraid of public speaking (in person or on video), and it interferes with their ability to really grow beyond trading time for money. 

My own journey to find my voice was so transformative. And now, I combine my experience in acting and performance with coaching and personal development - the outer and the inner - so that my students don’t have to learn the hard way or go it alone! 

Don't allow your fear to hold you back another day!

Hear it from Amanda who has been there herself...

This is the lovely Amanda. She is a business photographer who used to struggle with her video marketing. 

She was tired of wasting time, recording take after take trying to get it right. She had trouble getting to the point in her videos, and therefore lacked clarity in her messaging.

She felt frustrated because she knew that creating engaging video content is an important part of attracting new customers to her business - so she signed up for a workshop with Kelly, and everything changed!

Amanda found that with Kelly's guidance, strategy, and support, she was able to overcome her lack of focus and create great videos with intention and ease.
After just a few days of implementing what she learned from Kelly, Amanda became much more confident, intentional, and efficient with her video marketing!

Here's what I want for you...

I want you to realise your POTENTIAL and take hold on whats INSIDE you.

I want you to fully EMBRACE all the things that make you UNIQUE and share them with Confidence!

I want you to feel FREE to share your story and INVITE opportunities for Growth...

I want you to be able to SCALE your Business so you can help MORE people and have MORE Freedom!

And if this resonates with you, I want to be the one to walk with you, as you embark on this thrilling journey into unleashing ALL OF YOUR POTENTIAL!! Let's do this together!

See you inside,
Kelly x

"My advice - do it !!"

"This course was Amazing!!

With Kelly’s Knowledge, know how, techniques & fun supportive style of teaching I gained the confidence to do video easily & effortlessly.

Previously I’d do multiple takes , with multiple mistakes & after hours of trying give up !! 🙈

With Kelly’s encouragement & the safe supportive group space to share & practice in making videos no longer became a scary thing !!

I now share Facebook Live Events - something I’d wanted to do for so long but didn’t have the confidence to do. I got to meet some Amazing Women & see snippets into Australian Life. I now want to visit ! (I’m based in the Uk 🇬🇧)

- Nicole Garnier, Hypnotherapist

"I've just done some numbers and my sales this month have literally doubled! 

Thanks Kelly for helping me to increase my engagement on social media and my confidence in speaking on camera!

- Frais Louise, Little Strawberries

"This is a Life Changing program"

The challenge to post a video everyday for 4 weeks and to commit to this was a big one. 

At first it felt clunky but Kelly was so encouraging with on going tips and advice. It gave me so much confidence to practice in a safe space.

 In the end I was sad that it was finished as I had gotten into a great routine, with a lovely supportive group of women and discovered I love making videos! 

Thanks so much Kelly Petering for the ongoing support and encouragement.

- Danielle Street, Transformational Coach
  • Learn how to capture the attention of your dream clients in a way that is attractive to them via video (both LIVE and recorded)
  • Attract dream clients that are already know they need you in their life
  • Discover the 5 types of video content you NEED in your business so that you can connect with and engage your audience
  • Share your story in a way that showcases your expertise in your industry and highlights why your prospects should work with YOU!
  • Unlock the power of the Positive Persuasion Method so you can convert your prospects into clients in a way that feels natural and authentic
  • ​Identify the best conversion strategy for your dream clients so that you can communicate in a way that truly lights them up
  • ​​Develop a conversion strategy that plays across every element of your video plan

I want to learn how to Convert on Camera!

Independent Study

Lifetime access to the Convert on Camera Portal
  • 6 x CONVERT On Camera Training Modules (Valued at $497)
  •  BONUS - Ninety Days Of Video Prompts (Valued at $197)
  • BONUS - Half Day LIVE Camera Confidence Workshop (Valued at $197)
  • + the recording (incase you can't make it live)
  • BONUS TRAINING - LIVE Workshop ~ Create Your EPIC Sales Page Video (Valued at $497)
  • + the recording (incase you can't make it live)

Your 90 Day Worry Free Guarantee


If you are not completely BLOWN AWAY by the training provided in Convert On Camera, simply send an email to for a FULL REFUND and one of my support team will issue your refund no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

I really struggle with perfectionism and putting myself out there... will this help?

I can absolutely relate. I've been there myself and know how it feels. And I'm so pleased you're here! YES! I look forward to supporting you through this challenge. I can help you break your fears around judgement, criticism or rejection.

What if I want do a more supported program?

This program is a completely self paced program. If you're looking for a supported program with regular live classes and or 1-1 support, this program is NOT for you. I offer 1-1 personalised coaching as well as high touch/high support programs. Get in touch by emailing me at to hear more about these programs.

I get really overwhelmed with technology... Do I need to be tech-savvy to make this work?

No. It's actually never been easier than right now to create video content even if you're not into all the tech. If you can do the basics on a smart phone and you're on a least one social media platform, you'll be able to make this happen!

Do I need to have any specific equipment to get started in the program?

Nope. All you need is a smart phone (which I imagine you already have). Everything else is not necessary when you're first getting started. If you do have a ring light and a microphone that's a bonus, but absolutely not necessary to get started.

Have Another Question?

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™, Inc. 
Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. 
Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™, Inc. 

DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures I stated above or stated on my Facebook™ page are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have learned what works over the years. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT OPT-IN to my offers OR book a strategy call.
Copyright © 2020 - Kelly Petering